Many condominiums with the Super bonus 110% are equipped with electricity columns they are thinking of installing and this work is also part of the facilities provided for by the Budget Law for 2022. The only thing to pay attention to is the distribution of expenditure based on the fact that the column is in the parts for common use or private of the condominium.
The number of residents and the size of the condominium must be evaluated, always during the installation phase. So let’s try to clarify the installation, costs, and deductions of the electric columns.
What the law says
Undoubtedly, the main limit to the installation of electric columns is the cost which, however, falls within the concessions provided by the Super bonus 110%. Article 119 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree 34/2020 provides for the following maximum spending limits:
- € 3,000 for installation works completed by December 2020, regardless of the number of recharging points;
- € 2,000 for all independent buildings, such as single-family ones;
- 1,500 euros for condominiums and multi-family buildings up to 8 electricity columns;
- 1,200 euros for condominiums and multi-family buildings over 8 columns.
With the exception of the first spending limit, the others listed apply to installations completed or under construction from 1 January 2021. To get an idea of the expected cost, a wall box slow charging point up to 7.4 kW ranges from 700 to 1700 euros, while more powerful models up to 22 kW cost from 700 to 1300 euros.
50% deduction: how it works
The 50% bonus for the installation of charging stations in condominiums appears with the Budget Law for 2019, and with the DM March 20 integrates the Ecobonus for the purchase of electric or hybrid low CO2 emissions vehicles.
It is already mandatory to install electric charging points in new buildings or buildings subject to heavy renovation since 2018. The measure was introduced to encourage electric mobility. The 50% bonus was intended to encourage the purchase and installation of the columns, also in existing buildings. On the other hand, in 2022 the DPCM automotive decree appeared with a new concession, which includes a contribution equal to 80% of the expenses incurred recognized by the MISE.
Superbonus 110%: how it works
Another incentive for charging in electric columns in small and large condominiums is the Super bonus 110% given that the wall box and its installation are among the measures confirmed by the Government and among the deductible expenses with a discount on the invoice or transfer of the credit tax. Those who benefit from this incentive can install and assemble a charging station free of charge, as long as these are works that contribute to the energy efficiency of the building equal to two categories. In other words, the installation of the electricity column must be accompanied by other energy-efficiency works in the condominium such as thermal insulation, using a coat, and the replacement of the heating and air conditioning systems.
Equipping the shared garage

The condominium that intends to install a wall box in the privately owned garage notifies the administrator indicating the specific content and methods of carrying out the interventions (however at his own expense), should any changes to the common parts become necessary (Corsello box, walkways hanging metal cable holders, counter, etc.). You will need to contact a company specializing in the design and installation of charging stations that will have the task of:
- provide specific project consultancy;
- declare the conformity of the plant;
- check the maximum “flow” of the condominium meter;
- verify the need to update the Fire Prevention Certificate (if the garage is subject to the drafting of this document) and any other intervention that may be required for safety purposes for the Fire Brigade, also by the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of the Interior.
Equipping the condominium parking

The situation becomes more complicated if it is decided to transform the condominium parking into an eco-refueling station with a photovoltaic roof. In this case, it falls under art. 1117 ter of the civil code and the common area changes nature becoming a “condominium eco-refueling station”. Even in this case, however, its use should be regulated by implementing a system that allows everyone to use it (number of votes representing four-fifths of the participants in the condominium and four-fifths of the value of the building).
Another scenario envisages that the installation of the column falls under art. 1120 cc II Comma. In this case, with the majority indicated in the second paragraph of article 1136, they can dispose of the innovations which, in compliance with the sector regulations, have as their object: 1) the works and interventions aimed at improving the safety and health of buildings and of the plants; 2) the works and interventions planned to remove architectural barriers, to contain the energy consumption of buildings and to create parking spaces for the service of the real estate units or the building, as well as for the production of energy through the use of cogeneration, wind sources, In conclusion, today’s condominiums have many reasons and advantages to install a charging column or a wall box and can enjoy specific incentives and benefits. The advice is to contact partners such as DazeTechnology to find the home charging solution that best suits the needs of condominiums. Contact us for a quote!