Name: Francesca Micheletti

Role at Daze: Graphic Designer and UX/UI Designer

Since when have you been at Daze: May 2021

Why did you choose to work at Daze?

To be honest, it was more of a coincidence than a choice. After finishing my university studies, I was looking for a job to start doing what I had studied for. Daze gave me the opportunity not only to use what I had learned during my education but also to engage in various activities and learn new skills. In 2021, we were very few in the company, and I handled everything that required graphic design. As new people joined Daze, my role started to take shape and focus more on creating what is now the Daze App and portal. This world wasn’t entirely new to me, but it always fascinated me and allowed me to fully express my creativity.

So, can we say you are a creative person?

Ever since I was little, I would lose myself playing with colors and drawing, always coming home from school covered in marker stains, even on my face! When it was time to choose my educational path, I had no doubts: attending the Art School was the most obvious decision. This allowed me to further develop my artistic skills and have more opportunities to understand what my future path would be. Once I finished, my determination led me to enroll at LABA, where I graduated in Graphic Design and Multimedia. This university journey was another step forward, allowing me to explore the world of graphics and digital media in depth, acquiring essential technical and theoretical skills.

Why graphic design?

Honestly, there’s no specific reason, but the moment I took on my first project, I knew it was right for me. I realized I’m a bit of a perfectionist: I want everything to reflect what I have in my mind, down to the smallest detail. When I was in high school, I would often redo projects from scratch simply because a small detail didn’t convince me. Instead of just erasing, maybe because of my impulsiveness, I would end up tearing everything up because I no longer liked what I had done up to that point. Graphic design gives me the opportunity to change my mind a thousand times without throwing away hours of work. I just need to press a simple key, “Control+Z,” and I can be more patient and attentive to every detail, able to retrace my steps without going crazy. The fortune I had both in high school and university was to work on many projects where I could understand what I was most suited for. Already at LABA, I created a prototype of a cooking app, which allowed me to discover Web Design for the first time.

What are your passions then?

Besides what I’ve already mentioned, I can’t pinpoint a specific passion. I have always loved capturing details through photos or videos. I constantly have my phone in hand, ready to capture every moment or trip I want to remember. I cherish even the ugliest and most embarrassing photos, which is why my phone’s memory is always full. Moreover, I love traveling. Every trip is an opportunity to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and have unforgettable experiences. When I’m in a city, besides following a detailed guide of must-visit restaurants, a mandatory stop is the aquarium. If there’s an aquarium in the place I’m visiting, I’ll surely already have a ticket to see it!

Can you tell us about a trip/experience?

I have long been fascinated by everything related to the marine world, and the feeling of being immersed in their natural habitat is truly something incredible. Last summer, I went to Marsa Alam, a place that exceeded my expectations and offered me an unforgettable experience. The crystal-clear sea, the colorful corals, and the opportunity to swim with dolphins gave me moments of pure joy. Underwater experiences deeply captivate me; there’s something extraordinary about the silence and serenity found underwater. However, there is a limit that affects me: I suffer from seasickness, which sometimes makes it difficult to fully enjoy these excursions.

Have you managed to bring your passions to Daze?

Photography and videomaking in particular. My camera is always with me at the company, ready for any need. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to participate in and personally organize several photoshoots for Daze. This activity has allowed me to explore various aspects of photography, from composition to lighting management, and work closely with other professionals in the field. Moreover, videomaking is a passion I cultivate with enthusiasm. I have a lot of fun creating video content and often do so, always looking for new ideas and techniques to improve my work.