Jul 22, 2022

Electric car charging: how it works and how much it costs

Electric car charging: how it works and how much it costs

The ecological transition, the green revolution and the focus on sustainable mobility are leading more and more people to choose a rechargeable electric or hybrid vehicle either by purchase or long-term rental. 

This is why DazeTechnology decided to shed light on the functioning and costs of electric cars, a new way of getting around that also saves money.

How long does the battery charge of the electric car last?

To date, the recycling world does not scrap electric car batteries, so manufacturers can only estimate recharging between 1000 and 1500 cycles. In practice, with a range of 300 km per charge, the average battery life of the electric car ranges from 300,000 to 450,000 kilometres.

The biggest problem is battery wear, which is why electric car manufacturers offer an eight-year, 160,000-kilometre warranty beyond which the battery must not lose more than 25 per cent of its capacity. Speaking of ecology, producing an electric car requires a higher consumption of resources than a combustion car, but this difference is already compensated for after a mileage of 20-40,000 kilometres.

How does charging from home and public sockets work?

To understand how much an electric car charge costs, it is important to understand how this process works, which involves several systems. In particular, owners of electric cars can recharge them at:

  • Public columns;

  • Household power outlets;

  • Wall box.

It is enough to have an energy system with power of at least 3 kW, although 6 K consigliati are recommended, to charge the car even if the charging from home outlet it is a slow recharge, which lengthens the time given that a full recharge cycle takes from 6 to 12 hours.

Alternatively, wallboxes can be used, which transform the electricity from three-phase to single-phase and have an output of between 7.4 and 11 kW.

There is no shortage of accelerated charging systems, with 22 kW power, which reduce the time compared to a domestic socket.

A popular technique for recharging the electric car are fast-charging pillars, which have a maximum power of 50 kW and can recharge 80 per cent of the batteries in one hour.

There are also 250 kW electric car charging stations that take only a few minutes, such as Tesla’s Supercharger, which are, however, only accessible to the American manufacturer’s cars such as the Model 3. However, Tesla is experimenting in Europe with opening Supercharger stations to all electric vehicles.

How much does electric car charging cost?

The spread of electric cars will bring several benefits such as reduced CO2 emissions, cost savings and lower fuel costs. Data show that savings will depend on the number of electric vehicles on the road in the coming years, both in terms of charging costs and pollutant emissions.

The cost of filling up your electric car depends on the cost of energy, i.e. on the location and the capacity of the car battery, but also on the level of recharging you want to achieve. Let’s give an example.

On average, taking into account a 45 kWh battery and an electricity cost of 0.20 euro/kWh, the cost of recharging is approximately 9-10 euro for a medium-sized electric car. This value must be linked to the output, i.e. how many kilometres the electric vehicle is capable of travelling on one charge.

Again, an average value can be considered, calculating a daily trip of about 35-40 kilometres, resulting in a monthly total of about 1,200 kilometres. Dividing this value by 250 km, the average range of modern electric cars, gives a total of almost 5 full recharges, i.e. a monthly charge for powering the car of 45 euros.

Electric charging with DazeTechnology

Making daily electric car charging convenient, simple and smart. This is since 2016 the mission of DazeTechnology, the first company in the world to have designed and developed a conductive automatic charging system: DazePlug

In addition to DazePlug, Dazetechnolog offers products and services for charging electric vehicles in private and, to a lesser extent, public charging applications. For classic charging, DazeTechnology has developed DazeBox, a smart wallbox focused on design and user-friendliness.

All DazeTechnology charging systems are Made in Italy and share the same sophisticated design.

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