The journey towards electric mobility cannot happen without wallboxes, technologically advanced home charging devices for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Compared to charging stations, a wallbox is smaller in size, can be conveniently mounted on a wall, and allows for safe, efficient, and optimized charging from the comfort of home, adapting its functionalities to the specific needs of the vehicle. It is always the electric car that determines the type of charging, which is why the selection of a wallbox must be carefully considered in advance. Many modern electric vehicles, for instance, are already equipped with smart charging functionalities and do not require a smart wallbox. However, in general, today’s wallboxes, like our Dazebox, are multifunctional and designed for smart charging. But what operations must this type of wallbox satisfy? Let’s find out together.

What are smart wallboxes?

Smart charging adds value to the electric transition. Many EV drivers, in fact, prefer home charging to reduce energy costs and have a charging device available at any time of the day. However, Mode 1 or Mode 2 charging, which involves direct connection to a home electrical outlet, does not offer a fully comfortable and safe experience to an EV owner, with the risk of overloading and damaging the home system. For this reason, the wallbox is an immediately practical solution, providing fast, safe, even, and optimized energy distribution. Smart wallboxes have three main features that support this: Power Sharing, Power Boost, and Dynamic Power Sharing.

  • Power Sharing: This technology efficiently distributes power throughout different times of the day. This functionality is essential because the power delivered by the electrical system is often limited and requires more optimized and flexible distribution. Power Sharing operates based on the system’s power conditions and the energy tariff, acting as an energy balancing operator.
  • Power Boost: This technology balances charging according to the power required by all devices connected to the electrical system. If the amount of power needed by the wallbox is insufficient at a given time, Power Boost can adjust and reduce consumption or temporarily stop charging until the required power becomes available again.
  • Dynamic Power Sharing: This technology integrates the balancing and charging regulation functions of Power Sharing and Power Boost to ensure balanced charging, without exceeding maximum power and avoiding the risk of overloading the electrical system.

Advantages of smart wallboxes

ùSmart wallboxes offer technologically advanced performance and cutting-edge design in a compact, home-friendly device. The wallbox is small and manageable, easy to transport, and flexible in its functionalities, as in the case of our Dazebox Home, available with a cable (Dazebox Home T) or socket (Dazebox Home S). Both solutions provide insight into the advantageous charging conditions of a smart wallbox.

Improving energy efficiency

A smart wallbox allows the EV to absorb the maximum power allowed by the home system, with a charging speed up to eight times faster than a standard Mode 2 charge. The charging speed depends on three types of power: the power of the electrical grid, the wallbox (which typically ranges between 7.4 kW and 22 kW), and the onboard charger of the EV. Thanks to a sophisticated data transmission system with the electrical grid and the vehicle, the smart wallbox can modulate its power according to the electricity delivered by the home electrical system and the power that the EV’s battery pack can handle. With minimal space requirement, it guarantees powerful energy efficiency. If solar panels are chosen as the power source, the cost of charging approaches zero.

Smart energy management

The Power Sharing, Power Boost, and Dynamic Power Sharing features aim to avoid charging peaks. Thanks to the communication interconnection between the wallbox, electric vehicle, grid operator, and the owner of the charging point, there is no risk of energy congestion during peak hours, such as between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., when, on average, EV drivers charge their cars at home after work. Smart energy distribution allows users to personalize their charging based on specific needs and their individual tariff plan. In the case of our Dazebox, each device is equipped with a 4.3″ display to monitor the energy delivered, control and manage the charging status, and lock and unlock the wallbox.

Scheduled charging

There are many reasons why an electric vehicle owner chooses to charge at specific times of the day. Their tariff plan may offer different energy costs depending on the time, or the EV driver might prefer to organize home charging when other appliances are running at low consumption. In any case, a smart wallbox allows scheduling of EV charging remotely, with targeted daily or weekly planning. This feature can be managed via an app.

App connectivity

In a smart wallbox, operations can also be managed remotely. Thanks to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, users always have access to the wallbox’s operational statistics and data, as is the case with our Daze App. Through the app, users can also control who has access to the wallbox and can schedule, manage, and lock charging. For this type of functionality, before purchasing a wallbox, it is always necessary to check that the device can receive management software updates over the air. The smart wallbox is the future of green mobility, for flexible, efficient, and safe electric management accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere.

The decarbonization steps outlined in the PNIEC (National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan) span ten years, with the Italian goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43.7% by 2030 compared to 2005. For each European country, depending on their level of energy transition, the targets vary. According to data from the State of European Transport, a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is expected by 2040 and 62% by 2050.The targets are ambitious, but in the wake of the Green Deal policies, European countries can find their way to sustainable mobility. With the expansion of recharging infrastructures on national territories and the upgrading of electric vehicles beyond legally mandated CO2 standards, the electric drive is pushing traditional transport in Europe towards smart mobility.