Dec 20, 2024

All the updates for Dazebox Share 2.1.3 and Home

All the updates for Dazebox Share 2.1.3 and Home

The latest firmware versions, Dazebox Share 2.1.3 and Dazebox Home, introduce significant improvements for connectivity, load management, and stability, along with the resolution of some critical bugs. Let’s take a closer look at all the new features.

Dazebox Share 2.1.3: all the updates

  • Improved BLE Connectivity: bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication has been optimized to ensure a more stable and responsive connection with paired devices.

  • Advanced Dynamic Load Balancing: the ability to perform Dynamic Load Balancing between multiple chargers has been introduced, enabling smart energy load management. Now compatible in both Share-Share and Share-Home configurations.

  • New E10 Error for Integrated RCBO: in the case where the integrated RCBO (Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent Protection) is triggered, the system will display a specific E10 error to facilitate problem identification.

  • Purple LED Indicator During Shutdown: during the shutdown phase, the Dazebox LED will turn purple, enhancing the visual communication of the device’s status.

  • EV Wake-Up Sequence: a wake-up sequence has been introduced to prevent situations where electric vehicles fail to resume charging after a long pause.

Improvements to OCPP Protocol

  • Stop by RFID: improved handling of transactions via RFID.

  • Authorization Cache: ability to authorize without a connection via local cache.

  • Stop Transaction on Invalid ID: greater control over transactions with invalid IDs.

  • Customizable WebSocketPingInterval: improved stability of communication via WebSocket.

  • Serial Number in Boot Notification: the serial number is now included in the boot notification.

  • Soft Reset During Transaction: introduced the ability to receive a software reset without interrupting the session.

Minor bug fixes

  • Fixed abnormal behavior of the cloud icon when no Internet connection was available.

  • Resolved the issue with the house icon, which did not flash correctly in the case of insufficient power.

Dazebox Home the updates

  • Resolved Yellow/Blue LED Issue: in certain situations, the Dazebox Home could remain stuck with a yellow/blue LED. This update resolves the issue to ensure continuous and stable operation.

  • Fixed Bug for Blocked Chargers: a bug preventing the authorization of a new charging session when the charger was turned off and on during an ongoing charge has been fixed.

  • Improved Stability in Power Sharing: the connection between Master and Slave in Power Sharing configuration has been optimized, improving the stability and communication between devices.

Why are these updates important?

The Dazebox Share 2.1.3 and Dazebox Home updates reflect Daze’s ongoing commitment to providing reliable, cutting-edge charging solutions. With targeted improvements to connectivity, energy management, and stability, these firmware updates make the charging experience more efficient and intuitive than ever.

If you own a Dazebox Share or Dazebox Home, make sure to update to the latest firmware version to take advantage of all the improvements and new features.

Learn more about Dazebox and the available updates on our official website:

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